Well first I will apologize for not having any before pics of the pipe itself. I really didn't expect this finished job to turn out so well, so I didn't bother with them. After doing the bowl I did snap this before of the stem. Fairly scratched up and quite a few tooth marks.
Now the backstory on this pipe as well. This was one of my first earlier Boswell Pipes, and it wasn't much smoking time. I had sold it to a friend, who traded it to a mutual friend. At that point I started smoking more Virginias and really started to miss this pipe. So I text the friend who had it and he was willing to trade it for some cigars. I jumped on it, but the pipe had not been seeing the care it should have. The rim was charred beyond cleaning.
I topped it and started sanding the too of the bowl, as well as the smooth area on the shank. After quite a bit of time with micromesh it started taking shape. Went up to 12,000 micromesh, and rotated some face oil and micromesh several times. Then went after the stem with the micromesh as well. I'm beyond happy with the results, and thrilled to have it looking so nice again. This may be a start to something, would love to get some other pipes to restore now.
Sorry for the poor pics. Cell is all I have to take them with.

Now the backstory on this pipe as well. This was one of my first earlier Boswell Pipes, and it wasn't much smoking time. I had sold it to a friend, who traded it to a mutual friend. At that point I started smoking more Virginias and really started to miss this pipe. So I text the friend who had it and he was willing to trade it for some cigars. I jumped on it, but the pipe had not been seeing the care it should have. The rim was charred beyond cleaning.
I topped it and started sanding the too of the bowl, as well as the smooth area on the shank. After quite a bit of time with micromesh it started taking shape. Went up to 12,000 micromesh, and rotated some face oil and micromesh several times. Then went after the stem with the micromesh as well. I'm beyond happy with the results, and thrilled to have it looking so nice again. This may be a start to something, would love to get some other pipes to restore now.

Sorry for the poor pics. Cell is all I have to take them with.