To complete my remarks - that Dublin arrived today. This one was definitely a second. The airway is off center and high, entering the bowl. There's a small chip in the rim of the bowl, which I could have caught from the pix, but missed. It also has a stinger, which wasn't mentioned or shown. This pipe seems to be the same unmarked brand as that Billiard. The finish is the same and the stem is, too, except for the stinger. Maybe the Billiard's was removed or never put in. The marking stating imported briar is the same on both, but on the Dublin it is marked ITALY on the underside end of the shank. I haven't smoked it yet. I can pull the stinger - yes? The pipe is a tad shorter than a Huck Finn Cob, but chamber diameter at the top is larger. It'll be okay for a toss around pipe and a shorter smoke, but I wouldn't have gotten it if I'd known of the kiltered airway or stinger. The Billiard is fine as far as I can tell, so I can't see why it would have been a second, though I suspect now that it was. I might as well mention, too, that these pipes have a smaller airway than my Peterson Billiard. It's thinner, top to bottom and side to side at the lip. I think I'm done with cheap, basket pipes. There are reasons they're cheap.