It smokes real nice. I'm pretty new to smoking so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I currently own (in order of purchase) a Missouri Meerschaum Cob, Rossi Bent Billiard, Savinelli Bing's Favorite, Rattray's Ahoy!, Sasieni 4-dot (bought from our own
@ssjones ), and now the Jason Patrick Apple.
My favorite pipe to smoke so far has been the Savinelli Bing's Favorite. The bowl size and ease of clinching made it my go-to pipe. The Cob sprung a leak early on (probably due to my noob habits), the Rossi I dedicate to aromatics, the Rattray's smokes wet and is generally reserved for taking out of the house, and the Sasieni is reserved for Latakia blends and smokes very well.
The Jason Patrick Apple might be my new favorite. After two bowls it's checking all the boxes. A bowl size similiar but a little smaller than the Savinelli and easy to clench. It's easy to smoke like the Savinelli and so far there's no moisture issues. There's also the fact that it's one of a kind. I'm very happy with the purchase.