Thanks for taking us there. Lots of good pictures. I'm assuming the pipes from 90 onward were your purchases. Not my style, but those were very good choices.
A very thorough picture catalog of what was going on. I completely forgot about that pipe that was part of a record player. Very clever.
Many pipes made of sea life inspiration. The long extension type of pipe of Danish influence as collected in picture 115 was part of many pipe makers wares.
I'd have to hope that there were some beautiful women there, because if I ever stepped foot in that show, I'd be divorced after five minutes. What a display! I'm drooling all over the laptop! How could one attend that show and not drop $10,000?
Thanks fellas.
The 4 pipes at the end were my purchases. 2 Rads, a David McCarter, and a Stephen Downie.
I did not have any closeups since I was having issues with my camera and the batteries kept dying
Awww, there's even a couple of pics showing me in the background, stuck in my "mysterious forgotten corner of desolation"...
My table-mate and I joked that we would wear dunce caps and turn our chairs to the wall if we got the same table next year.
Thank you for the pictures!!
+1 ranger. Chicago would be a total overload of the senses.
It would be hard to select because there are so many pipes to look at. By the time you viewed a bunch and made a decision, it might not be there when you got back.