I'll chime in on the Gatlin-burlier. While many of their blends are relabeled bulk aros, but they also have a number of blends they mix on their own that are flat out superlative.
Gatlin-burley, for instance, is an American Engljsh blend in the vein of Boawells Counteyside, Bald Headed Teacher, Epiphany, etc.
Another standout. Is Mountain Mall Mix, which is similar to the many codger blends on the market like Prince Albert and Carter Hall. It's a quasi-aromatic mixture of burley and virginia that has a remarkably rich, nutty flavor that I've never encountered in antihero blend.
The standout, however, is Smokies Smoke Ease. This is a very unique, distinctive blend that is very, very heavy on the Turkish/orientals with a light dose of Latakia, a little cavendish and a bit of Virginia, I highly, highly recommend it for lovers of English/Balkan mixtures in search of something different.