Musician and Pipe Smoker John Connor on Radio Show of June 25, 2024

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Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Our featured interview on tonight's Pipes Magazine Radio Show is with John Connor. John is a musician, song writer, music teacher, and a pipe smoker. He is a published indie musician with five albums out. At the top of the show we will continue with our ongoing tour of Brian’s pipe collection. This time we have five random pipes that Brian has for five different reasons – all good ones.

The show airs every Tuesday at 8:00pm eastern US time, and can be found at and all podcast apps.




Jan 7, 2020
PMF Recovery Center
Our featured interview on tonight's Pipes Magazine Radio Show is with John Connor. John is a musician, song writer, music teacher, and a pipe smoker. He is a published indie musician with five albums out. At the top of the show we will continue with our ongoing tour of Brian’s pipe collection. This time we have five random pipes that Brian has for five different reasons – all good ones.

The show airs every Tuesday at 8:00pm eastern US time, and can be found at and all podcast apps.


That top pipe is very pretty.


Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I’ve done many interviews, but I’ll be bias and say being on Pipes Mag with Brian was my favorite one I did. I had so much fun. If Brian asked me back on in the future I’d do it in a heart beat.
Thanks for taking the time to do it, John. You did a great interview, and I loved the song. I like your take on Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds too.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 27, 2023
South Carolina
I very much enjoyed the cob rant. It's an intriguing subject, in that no pipe enthusiast seems willing to die on that particular husk of a hill. I don't believe I would've ever owned a Missouri Meerschaum myself had my pipe-diva wife not bought me one. To my surprise, I've very much enjoyed it, and I intend to acquire more of them.

I have to wonder if the lack of luster surrounding this peculiar corny product has to do with its lack of prestige. I've yet to come across a pipe smoker who swears by churchwardens, yet Tolkien's fantasies ensure that every Renaissance Fair is packed to the brim with them. General MacArthur smoked a cob that was taller than he was - and he looked ludicrous in the endeavor - but I'm not familiar with any other pop culture icon who ever delighted in smoking from dried vegetables. I have to wonder if this doesn't play a part in their decided unpopularity.

Though, to be fair, I do believe much of the antipathy stems from the name. They call it Missouri Meerschaum despite its having no correlation with Meerschaum, and that speaks - even if untrue - to a lack of belief in the product. Until I owned one, the moniker was enough to keep me away.
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Oct 16, 2011
Thanks again for the show. It had been a long and craptacular day but then I realized it was Tuesday so at least there was a bright spot to cap it off.

When I saw the picture of John holding a pipe and a 335 I knew he was a man of class and discernment. Great interview and music.
Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
Though, to be fair, I do believe much of the antipathy stems from the name. They call it Missouri Meerschaum despite its having no correlation with Meerschaum, and that speaks - even if untrue - to a lack of belief in the product. Until I owned one, the moniker was enough to keep me away.
I don't know what the exact etymological term for this is, but I think it's like "nickel silver" -- when a substitute product shares some of the selling points of the real thing, and they work that into the name.
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