Some of the UK tobacco blends manage to capture simultaneously a density and a full flavor that makes them hit hard with all of the raw power of only mildly constrained nicotiana tabacum. Thanks to the generous gift of a Pipes Magazine forum member, I was able to sample this tobacco in depth, and experience what makes it a perennial favorite among certain smoking circles.
A mild plum flavor glazes the tobacco, which appears as a light but not entirely dry brick. Slicing off a few 2mm slices, rubbing them out and allowing them to dry thoroughly works best in this climate, producing a heap of brown-black fibers that take a couple lights to get going but then produce solid smoke. Not massive, like a dry leaf tobacco, but blue and strong. The flavor maximizes the Burley in harmony with the darker varieties of Virginia, possibly stoved together because of their intense collaboration. As the plum evaporates, a strong vegetable flavor gives way to a nutty, sweet and tangy smoke. "Warrior Plug" does not wear its complexity on its sleeve, but allows the different textures of these two ingredients to meld and separate, oozing forth in a heavy smoke that is both flavorful and gentle on the mouth.
The tobacco burns cool and stays lit easily, after a charring light, tamp and another couple encouragement lights. Then, like incense, it emits its smoke in measured doses with easy pulls on the pipe end. Like many of the best straightforward tobaccos, it requires the smoker to acclimate and then settle back to enjoy as what was once a single flavor expands. I can see how this might not appeal to those who like intense and vivid variety, but for someone seeking a solid all-day or late-night smoke, the plug is where it's at.