Yet another social media "influencer" is in the news. This time it's a guy who thought getting high and messing around in the Florida boondocks would be great for click$ ... while wearing shorts and knowing absolutely nothing about the situation, the animals, or much of anything else, apparently (in spite of his online persona as a "Nature admirer")
It didn't take long for an Eastern Diamondback to remind him that Mother Nature isn't sentimental, though.
Then the cameras switched on, and he started to comment on the situation with a California-sober air of detached amusement.
The fun began to fade a couple minutes later when the massive quantity of animal-tissue-dissolving hemotoxic venom injected by the snake started to work its magic and convert his leg into a meat-and-blood Slushee.
A life flight to the nearest hospital and a quarter of a million dollars worth of antivenin later (88 vials), and it remains to be seen if his leg will survive, never mind him, but boy howdy a good time was had by everyone involved.
Me? I'm all for Influencers doing this kind of stuff for clicks. I think standing in front of fast-moving trains, jumping off tall buildings without a parachute, and slapping a grizzly bear in the face should be done next. (The rattlesnake thing is good, but the outcome too drawn out.)
It didn't take long for an Eastern Diamondback to remind him that Mother Nature isn't sentimental, though.
Then the cameras switched on, and he started to comment on the situation with a California-sober air of detached amusement.
The fun began to fade a couple minutes later when the massive quantity of animal-tissue-dissolving hemotoxic venom injected by the snake started to work its magic and convert his leg into a meat-and-blood Slushee.
A life flight to the nearest hospital and a quarter of a million dollars worth of antivenin later (88 vials), and it remains to be seen if his leg will survive, never mind him, but boy howdy a good time was had by everyone involved.
Me? I'm all for Influencers doing this kind of stuff for clicks. I think standing in front of fast-moving trains, jumping off tall buildings without a parachute, and slapping a grizzly bear in the face should be done next. (The rattlesnake thing is good, but the outcome too drawn out.)