My newest Morta pipe a Nautilus by Marinko Neralic of Croatia, should have it in a few weeks. banjo
fishnbanjo Lifer Feb 27, 2013 3,030 70 May 12, 2017 #1 My newest Morta pipe a Nautilus by Marinko Neralic of Croatia, should have it in a few weeks. banjo
jpmcwjr Lifer May 12, 2015 26,263 30,398 Carmel Valley, CA May 12, 2017 #2 That is some execution of an interesting theme. Enjoy!
tbradsim1 Lifer Jan 14, 2012 9,234 11,974 Southwest Louisiana May 12, 2017 #4 That is one Marine looking pipe , Giant shell look, and it probably will fit the hand good. Nice catch Fish.
That is one Marine looking pipe , Giant shell look, and it probably will fit the hand good. Nice catch Fish.
philobeddoe Lifer Oct 31, 2011 7,589 12,455 East Indiana May 12, 2017 #5 Wow....that is quite the pipe, it looks very much like a fossilized Nautilus shell that some new creature is now easing its way into for a new home. Very cool.
Wow....that is quite the pipe, it looks very much like a fossilized Nautilus shell that some new creature is now easing its way into for a new home. Very cool.