It can depend on how you're smoking. I've found if I do a lot of exhaling through the nose, I'll wind up tasting the smoke a lot longer.
Since I have facial hair, my usual post-smoke cleanup involves washing my face (especially the mustache), then brushing my teeth, then checking the mustache again for lingering odor, then rinsing and gargling with Biotene (the back of the mouth has a lot of nooks and crannies, especially if you've still got tonsils), and if I've been exhaling through the nose a lot, I'll even use a neti pot to rinse out my sinuses with salt water (with a little baking soda).
I like a number of Latakia-heavy blends, which my wife refers to as my "Stinky English habit". Since she's not a fan, I try to minimize her exposure. :D