Molto Dolce in 8oz Tins

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Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
I'm not a big aromatic smoker, but I've been reading a lot about Molto Dolce lately. It seems to be very popular, gets good reviews, and it has been on the market a while now. What I can't figure out is why Sutliff hasn't offered it in an 8oz tin yet (or maybe even a new 16oz tub)?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 16, 2014
They may very well be in the future.But for now if you want something very close you can buy some Creme Brulee. It's not as intense in flavoring but just a notch or to below.



Jul 29, 2013
Yeah, the 1.5 oz cans are weak sauce without a larger option. @Pipejunky is right, get the just about next best thing in bulk if savings is a concern. Or order a bunch of them at once and save on shipping at least. I liked CBW when I started smoking, now I buy a better version in bulk, Lane RLP-6. I'm an aro guy who dabbles in english and VaPer.

At like $6 a tin, all of the Sutliff blends are about the cheapest tobacco out there already. That's about $4 an oz, and it comes in a wonderful cardboard container.

If you go to a pipe event, they are almost always there just giving the stuff away. I can't even think of a cheaper brand or blend that comes in its own container.



Jul 29, 2013
@cosmicfolklore, true true, but it'd be nicer to just get a bunch of it at once in one single container/bag. Small preferences. But yes, for the price, it is still pretty damn cheap as is and the containers are nice ... just don't need a bunch of them.



Can't Leave
Mar 6, 2013
I contacted Sutliff about this last year. I was told that they are aware of MD's popularity, but there were no plans (as of then) to package it in 8 oz cans. They did send me three free cans for my trouble!



Jul 13, 2011
There was a rumor that they had it in 8oz tins, but they don't. I asked my rep. He said they don't sell enough it to warrant the 8oz tins, so maybe if we buy more the 8ozers will come.


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
Couple points.
Maybe $4/oz seems good to some, but that's $64/lb. That's in the realm of SG bulk and other "premium" tobaccos. For comparison, a pound of 1Q or RLP-6 is $27.50. Maybe MD uses slightly better tobaccos, more expensive sauces, etc. but there's no way it's twice as much.
I understand only selling their non-aromatics and english blends in 1.5oz tins because they age and mellow. Aromatics don't. In spite of that, english blends like Sunrise Smoke and Blend No. 5 are offered in 8oz tins.
The "average" pipe smoker settles on a couple blends and buys them by the pound ( ) whereas most of us "hobbyist" smokers like to have multiple blends open for variety and we're constantly trying new things. It makes sense for us to buy 1.5oz, 2oz, and 50g tins. Based on that, it seems Sutliff only wants to market and sell these blends to the hobbyist. If they offered it in 8oz tins or even bulk, I'm almost positive they would sell more.
I don't buy the "we don't sell enough" response. Maybe they don't sell enough because it's only offered in 1.5oz tins so customers looking for better value than $4/oz buy something else. It's definitely popular enough to be offered in a larger or bulk format. It's the only Sutliff blend with its own jump-site/mini-site. I couldn't find one for Maple Street, Blend No. 5, or Sunrise Smoke...all blends that are offered in 8oz tins.


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
@plateaugy, you have to read the whole quote in context:
Yeah, the 1.5 oz cans are weak sauce without a larger option. @Pipejunky is right, get the just about next best thing in bulk if savings is a concern. Or order a bunch of them at once and save on shipping at least. I liked CBW when I started smoking, now I buy a better version in bulk, Lane RLP-6. I'm an aro guy who dabbles in english and VaPer.
Specifically, "I liked CBW when I started smoking, now I buy a better version in bulk, Lane RLP-6." RLP-6 is a better version, in bulk, of CBW (Captain Black White).


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
@salmonfisher, please see my post directly above yours:
He was comparing RLP-6 to Captain Black, White label, analogous to Creme Brulee to Molto Dolce.



Can't Leave
Mar 6, 2013
I stock both MD and Creme Brulee in my cellar...they are not exact, but VERY simialr. Creme Brulee is my less expensive substitution.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 12, 2014
i typed it into google and pipesncigars has it and is running a special right now. You can get 1lb of the creme brulee for just over 20 bucks. thats a great price for decent tobacco



Dec 12, 2012
You've never tried Molto Dolce, but you're bothered that they don't sell it in bigger canisters? Forgive me, but wouldn't it be good to actually try it before complaining that you can't buy it in larger quantities at a discount -- especially since you say you're not a big aromatic smoker?

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