Just setting here as the sun comes up this 24th of Dec. reminiscing about other Christmas Eve's, in other places, and under different circumstances.
Puffing on a bowl of Middleton's Cherry blend in my Savinelli Cricket, and sipping on a cup of hot chocolate. Everything is so peaceful. The lights and colors of the Christmas tree blending with the soft Christmas music in the background.
How strange it seems in a way. When I think back to those other Christmas Eve's, as an airman in Southeast Asia during the Viet Nam conflict, later as a new police officer in Texas responding to a violent domestic, and later still as a detective in Virginia being given more cases to add to my already heavy caseload.
Now that I can sit back and enjoy such a simple pleasure as this, it does seem that it all really did work out. During a lot of those times, I really did wonder if it would.
Just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a very merry Christmas this morning. I hope that it's all working out for you too.
Have a wonderful Holiday, and enjoy a nice peaceful bowl of your favorite blend in a comfortable pipe for me. God bless.