I bought a tin of this dated 2010 a couple weeks ago at the B&M. I have about 3 bowls left and the stuff has really grown on me. The tin description reads: This Scottish mixture is full-bodied and deeply flavored with the finest grades of delicately spiced Oriental tobaccos and cool-smoking Latakia, lively, refreshing, and very satisfying. Discover why this blend has achieved such a great following of discerning pipe smokers.
This is a really nice smoke for me as it is the first where I am starting to be able to pick out individual flavors(me newb who you?) yet it melds very well at the same time. Sorry, but I don't have the experience to really describe it other than saying sometimes I taste fruity, smokey, spicy, and earthy aromas. I would recommend trying some if you haven't/
I was wondering if anyone here has tried it, and if so can you recommend a bulk blend that might be close? I may get a tin or two of this to age, but as I smoke 5-6 (and on some days more) bowls a day I am trying to stick with buying in bulk.
This is a really nice smoke for me as it is the first where I am starting to be able to pick out individual flavors(me newb who you?) yet it melds very well at the same time. Sorry, but I don't have the experience to really describe it other than saying sometimes I taste fruity, smokey, spicy, and earthy aromas. I would recommend trying some if you haven't/
I was wondering if anyone here has tried it, and if so can you recommend a bulk blend that might be close? I may get a tin or two of this to age, but as I smoke 5-6 (and on some days more) bowls a day I am trying to stick with buying in bulk.