McClelland Blackwoods Flake is certainly one of the top Virginia smokes Ive tried so far. Ive looked for the sweeter Red Virginia tobaccos in its purest form and sampled several. This one gets top marks from me.
Agreed. Pretty amazing stuff. First tobacco that just made my mouth water when I tried it. Dark Star, if it works for you, is also quite good. Some people swear its like trying to smoke shoe leather, but I did not have a problem with it.
I looked at Dark Star when ordering the Blackwoods. I didn't see McClelland Red and Black. I kinda like the idea of mixing two types, but I wonder about the flavors blending over time.
McCrannies Red Ribbon and McClelland 5200, hmmm, I'll check em out!
its McClelland 5100 and McCranies for those who are searching like I was. I'm keen on flakes and higher nic so the Blackwoods Flakes still seem to be my pick judging from details alone. ANother sweet one I found although not pure Va was Orlics Dark Strong Kentucky.
McCrannies has a flake. Yeh, sorry about the 5200/5100, I just call it Red Cake usually.
Red and Black is good. It is a mix of red flakes and dark stoved brights, making the darker flakes taste sweet and tangy and the reds have more mellow sweet flavors.
I read that bright Virginia's are not as sweet as the reds, therefore my search for the pure reds, but I did find one contradicting statement somewhere. I need to see what my taste buds say I suppose.
It's a different type of sweet. The reds have a... um... deeper sweetness? If that makes sense, but I find the bright (golds and oranges) flue cured Virginias to be very sweet as well, but tangier, more citrusy, haylike.
I think I see what you mean, Ive smoked Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake which seems to be more on the lighter color side and has that pleasant "haylike" taste. Is that what you mean Cosmic?