Just "Kentucky Windage" your draws. The more you smoke, the more you'll get a feel for it. Flakes draw differently than ribbon for example, or some tobacco blends just burn easier than others even of the same cut. Some pipes just draw easier than others even with the same pack as other pipes.
Never mind that even if you only smoke one blend, you're not going to pack it exactly the same every time.
So you just have to adjust accordingly with each bowl. Sometimes you'll need to draw harder and sometimes lighter, sometimes draw more frequently and other times less frequently, sometimes draw for longer and others shorter, sometimes you'll want short light puffs more often and others longer draws less often.
Drawing on a bowl has 3 different parameters you could measure... how hard you're sucking, for how long each suck is, and how frequently you're sucking on it. Sometimes you have to adjust just one, sometimes all three, and the only way to know is to get a feel for it... no packing technique is going to change that aspect, and in my opinion, packing technique is too often the only aspect people look at, when there's many factors beyond just that. Like "if I could just perfect my packing technique..." or "but I packed it right...", like that's the only thing there is to it.
Unless you're in a slow smoking competition, packing technique isn't terribly critical, as long as you don't do it poorly. There's no one right way, but there's several wrong ways. I mostly "codger scoop" everything (no specific loading "technique", I just pinch off however much I feel like is the right amount and stuff it in) with no dry time and have no problems "keeping a pipe lit with few relights", not getting bit, and not having "bad smokes" in general. The key is to relax, don't over think it and hyper-fixate on perfection, and go with the flow.