How are folks commemorating August 8, 2016? Assuming the lawsuits for an injunction against the FDA Deeming !@#$%^&* and the Congressional bills don't succeed, tomorrow marks the end of free samples and the hoisting of barriers against new blend introductions. We just witnessed a supernova of last minute tin introductions, even as blenders around the world had independently devised myriads of wonderful tobaccos in the last several years. We have truly experienced the golden age of tobacciana, at least in terms of numbers of blends and artisan pipe carvers.
True that there have been some exiting products in the last years, amid the wealth of new stuff: Chief Catoonah's fine blends, Mel Feldman's The Smoker's second coming, curtailing of C&D's immense catalog with the shift to Laudisi, a couple of McBarens. And a lot of the EuroLats have been reformulated as Syrian ran out (Brebbia stands out). I suppose for many decades many historical blends have bit the dust, but gradually.
Now, as with many things in our Internet and social media world, tobaccos are shifting at warp speeds. And continuing the astronomical analogy, a supernova quickly collapses into a black hole.
True that there have been some exiting products in the last years, amid the wealth of new stuff: Chief Catoonah's fine blends, Mel Feldman's The Smoker's second coming, curtailing of C&D's immense catalog with the shift to Laudisi, a couple of McBarens. And a lot of the EuroLats have been reformulated as Syrian ran out (Brebbia stands out). I suppose for many decades many historical blends have bit the dust, but gradually.
Now, as with many things in our Internet and social media world, tobaccos are shifting at warp speeds. And continuing the astronomical analogy, a supernova quickly collapses into a black hole.