Had some fun with this one- It's a cross-grain horn with Cumberland stem...somewhat inspired by the shape of a Manta Ray....just finished it tonight...time for a beer!
Zack you brought me back to my father's shrimp boat, had rays in catch and buddy you better watch out for that barb grab um and immobilized the tail turn.it over and face looks like a monkey, beautiful piece.
Zack, you carve some amazingly gorgeous pipes. I don't really like the shape of this one, although I do like horns, but it's still beautiful in a way, and I love that stem. You do amazing work. I can't wait to see more.
Thanks guys! One thing I love about making pipes is that you can start with a block of wood and go traditional or get totally wild with it...and if there's ten guys in the room, they'll have totally different opinions about which style they like. Keeps it interesting for me! I'll do one more fairly realistic shape for the Vegas Show- the problem with doing pipes like this is that they eat big blocks of time- I think just the hand sanding on the pipe and stem was over ten hours...
Zack - this is one of those pipes that I couldn't see myself smoking, but I am nonetheless in awe of the skill and artistry that went into it. Well done.
Not too sure Harris- need to get a scale before I leave for Italy...but's it's surprisingly light...There's a minimal amount of briar surrounding a 2.5" deep chamber (used the new 4mm drill set on this one- VERY open...- think I have that part of the puzzle solved)
Dude! Great looking pipe. It reminds me more of a Tremor than a Manta Ray though.
You remember TREMORS don't you? haha.
Edit: The monsters are called Graboids. haha. You made a killer Graboid pipe sir!