When I told my father that I wanted to get married he told me that I would have to become the man of the house and dedicate my life to taking care of my family.For fifty years now I've done that.Last nite and early this morning my limits were tested.Every one else was in bed asleep.I was up watching weather on tv and the computer asking the big guy upstairs to keep my family safe.All the time tring to figure out what I should do if got hit.I don't have a basement so if one of those things hits I don't have many places to hide.At three oclock this morning a tornado hit about thirty miles from my house.I feel really bad because as much as I feel for those involved I'm glad that it wasn't my family.Some times being the man of the house and feeling responsible fo the welfare of others can be really stressful.Not many things scare me,but tornados scare the heck out of me.I got the all clear about three thirty this morning.I got to sleep about four thirty.The damage those things do is horrible.I feel real sorrow for those who today are trying to cope with it.