There was a poster on here a while back named Henry Clay. He had basically the most amazing response to the whole man-cave situation I have ever heard. I remember just reading it and almost wanting to vote for the guy. I havent seen him around in a while but his post went pretty much like this: if you truly love someone as my wife does, you take that person with all their "things", and he was that way with his wife and her things she liked to do, and his thing was smokin a pipe, and she accepted him for it, and that was that. It was cool to read that because it sort of laid out the whole "my wife forbids me to do this" or "she must be obeyed" as a bunch of bullshit. I couldn't have agreed with him more. It's your house, you work hard all day to put into your lives what you can, and if she knew you liked smokin a pipe before, then let it be. If you can't smoke your pipe in your own home, then where the hell are you going to smoke it.