Kevin, can you smoke at the pipe shows ?
It's a different situation at different shows. Here's my experiences:
1. St. Louis Show - Yes, we can smoke in the exhibit hall, and in the hospitality suite in the hotel. The hotel had a limited number of smoking rooms available, but I booked too late to get one. I did hang in the hospitality suite, and in someone else's room to smoke though ... and drink ... a lot. LOL.
2. Chicago Show - Can't smoke in the exhibit hall because of IL law, but that may change for next year. I am not sure if it will be affected by
this if it goes through.
However, there is a giant tent, like circus tent size set up outside, but it is all enclosed, like a temporary enclosed structure where you can smoke. There are full bars, and food, plus couches, chairs and tables set up in there. You can often find 100 pipe smokers at once all smoking together there.
3. IPCPR (Trade only) - yes, you can smoke in the exhibit hall, and same on hotels, limited numbere of smoking rooms
4. Richmond Show - Yes, you can smoke in the exhibit hall and certain parts of the hotel.
5. Las Vegas Show (Westcoast Pipe Show) - Yes, you can smoke in the exhibit hall and certain parts of the hotel.
There are other shows, but these are the only ones I have been to.
See a complete list of shows here: