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Oct 16, 2011
This is from user Wooda on the Pipe Smokers Den forum, 2018. I thought it might be of interest.

Okay gents, this is the last time I'm posting this recipe, so write it down and stick it in the safe with your house Title and Bond Notes.

Scaled down from Juxtaposer's recipe posted on the snuff house forums.

Grinder; Mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, redneck engineered ball mill.
Sifter: spatter guard, sieve, flour sifter.
Small Mason jar with lid.

2Tbsp ground and sieved tobacco flour
1tsp distilled water
1/16tsp (pinch) sodium carbonate
(washing soda)
1/4tsp table salt

-Get your tobacco crispy dry.
-Grind it up. 10 second pulses in my magic bullet until there aren't any big chunks. Elbow grease with a mortar and pestle. Whatever works.

-Sift out the big chunks
-grind them again
-toss remaining chunks. You will never get it all. Don't sweat it.
-If you want a finer grind, rinse and repeat until you're happy.
-put tobacco flour in Mason jar

-Dissolve salt and washing soda in distilled water.
-Mix solution into tobacco flour.
-Seal Mason jar and let it sit for AT LEAST 7 days. The Sodium Carbonate needs time to react and mellow. If you toot too soon you might burn your delicate schnoz.

Things you can stick right in the jar after the mandatory 7day rest:
coffee bean.
Chunk of vanilla,
Orange peel
Other edible aromatic solids.
Test toot every day and remove when satisfied with flavor.

Various liquors:
1-2 drops, let air out a couple hours to evaporate some of the ethanol.

Everything else:
Food grade essential oils/flavor extracts.
1 drop or less.