Last month, it was announced that Pipe Divan, an outlet of James Fox in Dublin was having a 20% off sale. This, coupled with a strong dollar and free shipping on purchases over $100 was too much to resist. I love the nondescript but oh-so-functional 03 shape and set out to get a bunch. I loaded up my cart and tried to pay. My bank lost. It's. Damn. Mind. This is a good thing. If it had been fraud my money would have been supremely safe. As it was, I lost out on 3 of the pipes I had originally ordered. I dared not mess with my freed payment once it had been okayed for fear of another lock on my account, so I began calling PD and trying to coordinate my order. They have a banking holiday on Halloween, FYI. With time running out on the sale and an abiding dread that even more of the pipes I wanted would sell out, I quickly finalized my order at 2 pm their time on the 1st of November with them bravely honoring the sale prices. Here is my box (love the Irish stamp and the Gaelic on the customs form):
Here are my babies all safe in their boxes, which arrived in much better shape than the last 4 of my US tobacco shipments:
First up, The Atlantics. In order to keep the dollar amount in the same ball park as my original order I ended up with 3. It is no shame. I love the colors. Of course one of them is in a 03. the other two are a 2 and an X105:
Next up is a true gem. I missed out on the 03s since there was only a limited run of 135 (one for each year James Fox has been in business), but the 150 is a beautiful shaped pipe and I am honored to get one. The Gorgeous (too bad I'm not a packers Fan) James Fox anniversary pipe:
Here is the pipe I was originally after, The Chrismas Pete in an 03:
Last but not least by any stretch was the POY, my first. There has been a lot of talk about chimneys of late and when I saw this one and the price after the sale discount it was a shut up and take my money moment. I opted for the blast:
All of these pipes are well drilled and none of them have the fills that sometimes find their way onto a Pete. Draws are good and these babies are ready to go. I am excited!

Here are my babies all safe in their boxes, which arrived in much better shape than the last 4 of my US tobacco shipments:

First up, The Atlantics. In order to keep the dollar amount in the same ball park as my original order I ended up with 3. It is no shame. I love the colors. Of course one of them is in a 03. the other two are a 2 and an X105:

Next up is a true gem. I missed out on the 03s since there was only a limited run of 135 (one for each year James Fox has been in business), but the 150 is a beautiful shaped pipe and I am honored to get one. The Gorgeous (too bad I'm not a packers Fan) James Fox anniversary pipe:

Here is the pipe I was originally after, The Chrismas Pete in an 03:

Last but not least by any stretch was the POY, my first. There has been a lot of talk about chimneys of late and when I saw this one and the price after the sale discount it was a shut up and take my money moment. I opted for the blast:

All of these pipes are well drilled and none of them have the fills that sometimes find their way onto a Pete. Draws are good and these babies are ready to go. I am excited!