i hear if they smoke very well.and that is part of the reason our fearless leader allows them to be a sponsor if i am not mistaken. i personally will be buying one in the near future but the one i smoked out of was very nice. if you do want one be warned they take a while to get made also do choose to get the briar.
I haven't heard anyone complain about the quality - however there have been many complaints about delivery time. I suggest you search on this forum and have a look, Kevin contacted them with regards to the excessive waiting times and got a reply back, I just can't remember what it was.
how can she not love the look of a churchwarden? the look amazing! and i think i may get one from ebay. im not sure. i get paid thursday so sometime soon after that im hopefully going to a pipe shop in flint.
Not all of their pipes are churchwardens, but most of them are. I am a big fan of Macqueen pipes and will be buying another soon. The only thing I will say is that if you buy one is pay the $10 and upgrade to the briar. Here's the one I want when I get some extra money.
I've read some terrible things about Macqueen's customer service, and blatant lying (unless of course they 'lost' as many packages that they say they 'shipped'). My advice, buy from a third party, not directly from Macqueen.
Well i read on their site it takes so long because they have become popular and can't keep up with the demand. So they are just busy making pipes nonstop all of the time.
Making and selling pipes to e-tailers AND actual retail customers is hard work folks.
I also heard it was over the 6 month wait time mark. I agree that a third party would be better. I just checked and pipesandcigars.com has some in stock. You may want to check them out. They have a very good reputation for customer service, as do many of the etailers that advertise here. There is a link on the left sidebar for them and many of the other advertisers here.