Everybody knows I am the churchwarden freak. I have to have everyone I see. I ordered my MacQueen back in November from a person on EBay. The pipe came in one week, he had it in stock but, the stand and tamper came two days ago, 5 months. They must be hiring 3rd graders to build these stands. Sand makes all over it and one of the pins that hold it to the base has no glue and I had to repair it. The pipe is not to par with others I have, with tool marks and a bad stain job on the stem. It smokes OK, draws well and as stated gets hot quick but, the stem is so rough inside it is hard to clean. It looks nice from afar, now on the stand, but I would not smoke it every day, it would die a quick death I think from the heat. As a novelty pipe it could be better but it is what it is, a novelty and has a bit of cool factor in it. I have it and will keep it just for that fact.