Latakia in the front seat, as the text on the tin says, subtle sweetness from the Virginias working in the back, and the mellow spiciness from the Orientals. rates this three dots on strength, and it is mild to my taste, but a pleasant and engaging blend as well. I think this makes a perfect morning blend or all-day smoke. I was surprised at how moist the flakes were when I opened the tin, but equally surprised that after a charring light, the rubbed out flake lit right up and stayed lit. I've never had a tobacco as moist as this that lit as well. I bought this as part of a discount on five of McB's HH blends, three flakes and two ribbon cut. I was most skeptical of it, so I opened it first, and am pleasantly surprised. I have so many samples and unopened tins on hand, it may be a while before I buy it again, but I certainly would. This isn't a Lat kick, and it certainly isn't a nicotine buzz, but if you appreciate well-crafted milder blends, and like Latakia and flake, this is a good one. Give it a try.