Many low-priced pipes are just not that well made, not well engineered, finished in a slap-dash way. On the other hand, it is incredible that some impressive pipes are sold for low-level prices and are really crafted at a higher grade level. Currently on offer are a beautifully shaped Dublin made by a reputable factory in a shape deeply reminiscent of one of the classic Dunhill shapes -- not stamped but handsome, for less than fifty bucks. Likewise, a name italian pipe with an unique rusticated finish and stylized stem for about fifty. I have reason to believe, from reviews and first hand experience with one of the brands, that these are at least good pipes, and maybe excellent. But I'm not sure if I am drawn to them most strongly by thrift or careful analysis. I've seen them both for sale for years ... really. Are you ever drawn in by the persistent attraction of a bargain? Or are you repelled by any pipe that doesn't cost enough to give you an assurance of quality? (Young visual artists are sometimes advised to overprice their art work somewhat so that people don't mistake the low price for the artist's estimation of his work.) What's your psychology faced with the low-priced pipe?