Low Country -- a sleeper brand? (3 reviews)

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 6, 2011
Since I'm on a "sleeper" blend kick tonight, I figured I'd do some reviews of blends from Low Country, a small blending company that seems to fly under most smokers' radar despite having some of the finest products on the market today.

Low Country Tobaccos is the "house brand" of SmokingPipes.com in South Carolina and is manufactured/tinned by Cornell and Diehl (the same basic arrangement, I presume, that C&D has with GL Pease, Capt. Earle's, etc). They have four blends that I know of, and I've tried three of them. Each of them is distinctive and absolutely top-notch insofar as its ingredients go. Qualitatively, these are on par with any of Pease's blends or CD's tinned mixtures.
This is a broken English flake, similar in presentation to Pease's Old London series (Meridian, Lagonda, etc). This blend straddles the line between a "Balkan" and an "English" blend. The latakia is just on the heavy side of medium, which is where I prefer it to be -- almost but not quite dominant. The other orientals used add a bit of spiciness, a bit of incense, and a sweet/smoky counterpoint to the Cyprian leaf. But what really sets this blend off, I think, are the red virginias. They are, in a word, impeccable. Bold, sweet, and very deep. They make a profound statement, and their interaction with the other tobaccos yields a subtle complexity that you really need a large bowl to enjoy.

In his review of this stuff, Pipestud described it as being the "best blend of this type" to come around in a very long time, and I agree. Pease and Oulette get a lot attention and respect -- and they have earned every bit of it -- but whoever blended this masterpiece created a blend that will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their best. Read the reviews over on TR -- it doesn't seem like many people have tried this compared to a lot of the better-known blends, but it seems like most of the guys who have tried it feel the same as I do. If you are into latakia blends, then you owe it to yourself to give this a whirl.
This is a light, mildly sweet apple aromatic built around a solid foundation of light virginias. There is not a hint of burley or cavendish in this stuff -- just virginias and whatever kind of apple flavor they use. The lack of burley and cavendish means this blend doesn't behave like most aromatics. It's not wet or goopy, and it doesn't reek of chemicals. Think Autumn Evening only with lighter virginias and apple rather than maple. If you have been looking for an aromatic but dislike most of the ones you've tried, give this a whirl.
This is an interesting little blending experiment that basically comes down to adding Izmir to a Va/Per. It's not one I smoke a lot, but that's mainly because I'm not a fan of Izmir (I love orientals, but it's my least favorite of the bunch, I think, especially when there's no latakia). This is a very high-quality blend. The Va/Per component looks, smells and tastes remarkably like Filmore, only with a light incense note added by the oriental. This stuff has a small but loyal following, and if you enjoy Va/Per blends with a twist then I would highly recommend this.



Apr 1, 2013
Thanks for the reviews, doctorthoss!
I purchased a tin of Low Country Waccamaw because:
1. It was well received on "slowtri's" ultimate Vaper Showdown.

2. I love the tin art of SmokingPipes.com's retail store.
3. I love the vibe of it being "an obscure brand you have probably never heard of" as the hipster sheeple say.
My tin came crushed but still sealed, which has become the hallmark of SmokingPipes.com horrible packing.



Aug 20, 2013
Both Cooper and Waccamaw sound appealing. Thanks for writing about these tobaccos; they don't get much press, as you said.



Feb 21, 2013
I sampled Waccamaw and Cooper at our pipe show (TAPS) and preferred Cooper decisively. I am currently aging a tin and

looking forward to it. It just seemed like the blender has it right, the right tobaccos and the right proportions. I hope it is

as tasty as I remember it, or who knows, even better. Yes, these have been under the radar, and now that SP has bought

Cornell & Diehl, I'm not sure how they will fit in the marketing plan, but I hope they stick around. Thank you for the

careful and thoughtful review.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 19, 2013
I've smoked Santee and your review is spot on. Think light aromatic! I wish it was available in bulk.

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