Looking Where to Find Silicone Pipe Display Clips

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2013
I am driving myself up the wall trying to locate these things. Thought it would be easy but it has proven more difficult than I thought. I have used the typical c clip style holders of different sorts for various displays. I just came across this new style silicone one at a friends shop and don't know where its from.
Asked the owner and the chase began. Even tried the manufacturer and going up the food chain but they had no idea. After some phone tag and messages clarifying interest the trails go cold as the displays were farmed out. The displays were made by a different party that was not avail for comment.
I'll put a dang bounty out for the clips I'm looking for. They are silicone. Not the spring metal or hard plastic style that have both been around for years. Single screw in the throat for mounting. Similar shape, style and look as the common ones most are familiar with. But these are silicone. Very soft and with good grip.
Any ideas, Gentleman?
Edit: Corrected capitalization in title per Rule #9. L.

Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine



Can't Leave
Apr 12, 2013
Trying to find them directly from the manufacturer will be hard to track down...but you can find people who know people who know. Try these guys:




Feb 21, 2013
Sourcing these could be a tremendous service to pipe smokers, making it possible to configure a

large capacity pipe rack at low cost. Pipe shops are one obvious place to start, along with hardware

stores that might have them for storing tools. But it's those clips of just the right size that are needed.

And yes, silicone, or some softer material, is the ticket. We've all struggled with the metal and hard

plastic ones -- adequate but not so good.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2013
That is a prospect that did cross my mind. I think I tend to get ocd on projects and it would become a mission to get them perfect. I have made other small parts in the past. I would build in medium like wax, then mold in plaster. Then remove the wax and just pour my own in whatever material I like.
....dangit! Ok. I just talked myself into it.
Design pics coming soon. Grrrr so it begins...



Apr 26, 2013
Sweet. Get those knocked out and start putting them on Briar Bid for the rest of us. You could retire early!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2013
Well, I'm committed now. Just called a couple friends to source some sample materials. I'll start building my models this evening. Off to lapidary supply for some carving wax on way to the shop..
And away we go!!!



Dec 11, 2012
I've got some Sugru waiting for this weekend's attempt to do some minor repairs. I may have to make a test clip and see if it's structurally sound enough - I ordered extra in case of "ooh - I could totally..." syndrome. :D



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2013
Stopped by a friends shop and played with some materials. Most of the best choices turned out being the molding materials themselves. Flexible urathanes and silicones. Issue I had was since they are typically just used as the materials you build the mold out of they are in awful colors. I did some small sample batches with the addition of pigments. Did a solid black, a marbled white and black, and a full white in all materials.
I won't know till tomorrow afternoon if the materials will set up properly, or if the pigments will change the way the catalysts set up. Fingers crossed :)
And yes. Pictures are being taken of the whole process but I will post in a few days once I have a good batch to host and share.
Now home. And carving a couple wax mock ups...
Cheers to those following along. It's exciting!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2013
Update- Havent gotten to go back to the shop yet to check if my materials set up but did do a couple rough carvings.
I need to get a better wax as it wants to crumble but managed to carve a few sort of generic forms to stare at and play with while deciding on final design. I set one in plaster but not Plaster of Paris, and had no modifier milk to add so it came out wanting to crack after it was dry. I did carve this lil guinea pic here that is now close to being lil piggy 2.0 after I trim him a lil more sleek.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2013
WOW!!!! That's a super neat idea, I can't wait to see how your experiments turn out!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2013
You do realize that now even if they come out looking like recycled gum from the bottoms of a train station bench... If asked I will be obligated to swear how they work like mini miracles and have revolutionized the hobby.
Ok. If they hold the pipes, and don't look like hell then I will be beaming. I'm confident and reasonably sure they will come out fairly true to spec. I just have to experiment with the combination of material/jaw thickness ratio to find what will be good in form AND function because of how soft the silicones are. One step at a time but I an excited.



Can't Leave
Jun 26, 2013
This is great. I was looking for the clips a few weeks ago. I will be following you. Good luck.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2013
R&d will prob never end if I let myself get too anal about it. But always happy to share. Figure once I do find that magic recipe, the rinse and repeat portion should be easy. I'll just keep making and pouring till I have enough for anyone who wants them.
I can't put the cart ahead of the horse shouting from the rooftoos just yet though. But I know it will eventually be a success. Easy thing to share once its ironed out. Thanks for the support to those following along. I'll try and get more pics and updates of my exact products and steps too for those interested.



May 16, 2011
I've bought several from Tim West. Perhaps not silicone, but a soft rubber just as you described.



Jan 5, 2014
Thought I would share this info since I am making a display for my pipes. I searched everywhere for some of these rubber pipe clips. Tim west from JHLowe was mentioned in this thread but does not carry them any more. I have found you can purchase them from NewshamsWoodshop.com for 2 bucks a pop, Ouch! So I went down another avenue trying to come up with my own clip. After several ideas here is what I came up with. You can buy rubber fishing pole clips. Ya, no kidding. Almost the same size and shape. They work great. and 16 for 9 bucks. You can find them on ebay, amazon or base pro shop where I bought mine. Heck even walmart sells them online. Just search for rubber fishing pole clips. When I get my display done I will post some pictures.
God Bless and happy smoking.....



Feb 6, 2013
@guhrillastile thanks for experiments...
@tazbytes: Thanks so much for that follow up. I've been looking for these for ever for a new pipe shop I'm setting up in Pasadena... I was very close to trying my own experiments. I'm ordering these from amazon: http://is.gd/oicEyt
I had like the stanwell loose pipe clips because they can be adjusted easily to fit different sizes. But alas at least this is something. If they don't work well I'll follow up here.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2010
What are you using in the base to provide a solid strata for holding a mounting screw firmly in place?

T-nuts would be a good choice.




Dec 8, 2014
These are rubber and really inexpensive. Others have used them for homemade pipe dispays.

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