I have scoured Google, Wikipedia and Duck DuckGo to no avail. Posted on Reddit and Twitter. Sent some emails to art departments at some local colleges. Gotten no responses.
The lot here seems to be a lot more diverse in knowledge and exposure. Most of it good…
My impetuous is to find out if there is any $$ value. It has great sentimental value to me, however I am looking at a 3rd round of kidney cancer surgery first of the year. With sizable expenses, at least 15k.
This may be, hopefully, my only valuable item.
My 401k got destroyed ($650k gone, getting letters that there’s not enough left to cover their servicing fee, I told them to F off) by the market So can’t pull from that. Did a refi on the house last year to replace A/C, roof and flooring.
So if anyone can tell me anything about or would be fabulous! Even if it’s bad news! Just got to know!
Thank you in advance for any responses!
p.s.don’t mind the fan blade and lights reflecting in the photo!