Looking for a Lighter Repair Service

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 14, 2013
Florida, USA
I have an old Dunhill Rollagas and a Tsubota Pearl that I need to get repaired.
I seem to remember a few years ago there was a really good lighter repair man who specialized in vintage and high-end lighters. He had a website, and operated by mail. I can't seem to find anything about it now, and I can't remember his name. Does this ring a bell for anyone, or does anyone know of a repair service that takes Dunhill and Tsubota?
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Sep 13, 2019
Guerneville, CA
I specialize in pre-1975 Ronson butane lighters and have all the specialty tools to recondition them. I can also mend most vintage "kerosene" lighters. Unfortunately, I do not work on Rollagas lighters.

HERE is an old forum post on the same topic that may be useful.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 14, 2013
Florida, USA
That link doesn't work for me, it just links back to this thread.
Thank you for the response, I have an old Nimrod sportsman that I'd like to get repaired after I deal with these two, would that be something you're interested in?


Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
For the Dunhill ARS has done many for me over the years.

For Tsabota, I'd contact them directly. Shipping to Japan is not overly costly. They have repaired two lighters for me, in the past. Reasonably priced and quick.
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