domgregs, I suggest you take it slow. You'll read about many more tobaccos and blends on Forums than you'll
be able to try in years. To start out, you need to find your own preferences. Some of the quality aromatics, like
Q-1, will give you a feel for that -- and Peter Stokkebye Nougat, for a second example, both available in bulk to
save money while you are trying different things. Start out with 2 oz or whatever the minimum is, until you find
leaf you like. Carter Hall and Prince Albert are good over-the-counter examples, but buy them in a pouch not
a big can, at first. Some people don't like them. Your Frog Morton is a good first step into English blends, as
a crossover blend. Pipe shows and some pipe shops offer opportunities to sample more challenging blends, like
English with a strong dose of Latakia, by the pipe bowl full, as a sample. Then you'd know if that is for you.
Slow and leisurely is the way to go, I think, at least for many people.