Latakia Blend Tasting Test

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Butter Side Down

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2023
Title edited for caps and brevity.. Original:
"Latakia blend blind tasting for pipers somewhere between Noob and Codger"

EDITED 6/21/2023 - All spots are taken now.
Not taking any more participants at this time.


Hey all,

Fair warning before I start, this may get long, but I'm not sure how to edit it down and still keep all the necessary info in. If you're interested though, please read to the end.

The deal: I'm going to take some of the popular latakia blends I have that have been difficult to get ahold of for a while (or no longer produced), divide them into 3g tasting portions, label them A, B, C, etc... and send a full set of them out to 13 people. If you get one of the packages, you have two weeks to smoke the blends and post your thoughts back to this thread. After everyone has replied, I'll let everyone know what they've smoked (A = X blend, B = Y blend, etc...). You'll get to have tried some blends that you possibly haven't. Maybe it'll be fun or interesting for you. Maybe it'll be entertaining reading other people's thoughts. Maybe not. Who can say. Everybody needs something to do with their time.

Background/Why?: I just returned to pipe smoking after a 7 year hiatus. Since my return, I've changed my habits. I used to smoke 4-5 pipes a day and have every darn thing I got my hands on open and jarred. Now I'm only doing 1 pipe a day, and that reduction has really led me to just stick to the few things that I love and ignore the things that, while maybe interesting or complex or hard to get, somehow just don't land in my first tier. So instead of just letting those things just sit there on my shelf when someone else might be ecstatic to give them a try, I've decided to pass them on to some of you who may not have had the chance.

Who is this for? Originally, I had a target in mind of only "medium time" pipesters, but I'm removing that restriction. Here's the new "rules." If you smoke a pipe, and you like latakia, and you have time to smoke 4-6 bowls in two weeks, and you don't mind saying a few words about what you've tried, and if you recognize something you can hold your tongue so as to not ruin the surprise for the other participants, and you live in the US, then this is for you.

Why 3g? Because I filled a medium small pipe with tobacco and then emptied it out onto a scale and it weighed 3 grams.

Why only 13 people? Because I took the tobacco that had the least amount left and weighed it. It weighed 39g. Then I divided that by 3g, and got 13.

I'm cool with all that, and hey I made it to the end, so how do I get in on this? Send me a PM to let me know you're interested. I honestly don't know how many people are going to reply. I might only get 3, I might get 200. If it looks like I'm going to get 200, I'm going to cut it off at some point and just pick out 13 names at random. After the 13 people are picked, I'll notify them, post the full participant list here and get the packages in the mail. Got any questions? Anything I forgot? Let me know.
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Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I want to see some of the “super tasters” take on a challenge like this. We did something like this on another forum, it’s a lot of fun but disappointed some of the folks that are revered to be authority on all things pipe tobacco, never take up a challenge such as this. I wouldn’t stop with Latakia, just throw in a bunch of classics and current samples, see if the super duper tasters can guess what they’re smoking. I’d be up for sending in samples too.
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Mrs. Pickles

Starting to Get Obsessed
May 8, 2022
This is very generous and a fascinating experiment. The blind tasting aspect, especially. I encourage you to sneak a relatively common latakia blend into the mix. You know, just to see where it lands.

I'll be casting my PM into the pot and watching this thread for upcoming tobacco takes.
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Oct 6, 2021
NE Wisconsin
This is a great idea.
I've been smoking pipes about 15 years and have run my own latakia tastings to determine my favorites, so I'll leave this for others to enjoy.
But, I look forward to reading this thread, moving forward.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
Sounds like a good thing!
I’d be in, but…
-I haven’t learned much, but I have learned I’m not a Lat fan
-too much going on right now to sample/respond
-my feedback capability at this point is “mmmm good”, or “yeah, no”😆

Butter Side Down

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2023
We're about halfway there, but the replies have slowed to a trickle. I'd like to get this going so I've edited the original post to remove some of the restrictions I put on earlier. It'll probably work out better that way anyway as it'll get us more perspectives from a wider range of experience.

Bottom line, if you're thinking about doing it, jump on in. There's still room and if you didn't meet my made up criteria before, you probably do now.
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Butter Side Down

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2023
This is a great idea.
I've been smoking pipes about 15 years and have run my own latakia tastings to determine my favorites, so I'll leave this for others to enjoy.
But, I look forward to reading this thread, moving forward.
Opened it up to everyone who has time to do it. If you're interested, you're in. Let me know.
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Reactions: mingc and Lucashly


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
A great idea and interested in the outcome
And a very generous offer

I won't partake as after years of formal (and informal) wine tasting - sniffing and slurping to discover every nuance of aroma and flavour, my current approach is "nice drop, very easy on the gums" 😁

Butter Side Down

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2023
Allright everybody. The MS Latakia is now full and leaving the dock. You can wave to your families and friends from the port side deck. We hope you enjoy your trip. Next stop: Santo Fumo on the coast of Cyprus.

Passenger Manifest
1. Peter Turbo
2. Mrs Pickles
3. AliKlotz
4. Pooh-Bah
5. PAPiperMike
7. MingC
8. Woodsroad
9. PipingFool
10. LeonardBill1
11. AcesAndEights
12. IndyGrap
13. Sablebrush52

I should get the packages in the mail on Thursday so most of you should see them mid-week next week.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!