Largo Gold

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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
The grocery store where I buy Half and Half and Cotton Boll twist has a little locked cabinent where smoking tobacco is kept. The last time I was there I asked about that, and the clerk said trustees from the local prison have to sign for each purchase.

I asked their favorite brand, and she showed me fifty cent .75 ounce packages of Largo Gold. I bought a couple, because she said they are limited to a two package purchase.

In Missouri, anybody can still buy an ounce and a half of tobacco for one dollar, and for those fifty cent Largo packages that store includes the sales tax, normally 9 cents on the dollar.

The pouch is resealable, and has a tamper proof foil seal above the zip lock. When I opened it the wonderful smell of Burley and Virginia tobacco emerged with a cocanut top dressing.

This is a shag cut tobacco and I suppose most gets rolled into cigarettes. I filled up a medium lovat Lee Three Star and fired it up.

After a tamp, and relight, this is a really mild, smooth, and flavorful blend of burleys and Virginias, with hints of coconut, rum, citrus, and chocolate.

Then about mid bowl a nicotine hit starts and this blend gets a bold, burley flavor that continues to the bottom, and it burns with a white ash. The last half of the bowl tasted like a better and smoother Five Brothers, which I consider a complement.

It’s delicious, good, satisfying pipe tobacco.

Maybe I’ve judged those RYO tax beater cheap pipe tobaccos prematurely.

What those makers do, is take $2 a pound leaf and manufacture a product that retails as cheap as nine dollars a pound, which includes a $2.83 a pound tax.

Of all the evils in this old sin cussed world the proper authorities could try and remedy, is taxing a prisoner’s or pensioner’s pipe tobacco $49 a pound instead of $2.83 a good priority?

I’m stocking up on this while it’s cheap.

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Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
You got me investigating this stuff. Did you get just the Largo Gold or some of their other varieties? Was there a strong Nic kick? You can't beat the price. If the Burley is good, I would definitely pick up a few pouches to have on hand. If nothing else, it could be a good mixer.
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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
You got me investigating this stuff. Did you get just the Largo Gold or some of their other varieties? Was there a strong Nic kick? You can't beat the price. If the Burley is good, I would definitely pick up a few pouches to have on hand. If nothing else, it could be a good mixer.
I only got the Largo Gold, in the three quarter ounce package.

There’s a huge prison near that grocery store. And although the packages have UPC codes they are marked 50 cents.

Prisons have strict rules what can be brought in or out, and these fifty cents taxpaid Largo packages have something to do with the prison. There’s a sign sheet for the inmates.

Largo is one of a number of the very cheapest pipe tobaccos, and before I smoked it I thought it was cigarette tobacco sold in a pipe tobacco package.

Actually, it’s pipe tobacco mild enough to roll into cigarettes, but so is Prince Albert and Velvet.

Largo comes in Bold, Regular, Menthol, Gold and Sungrown Natural.

You can see at least four types of leaf in Largo Gold.

And it’s cut so that three quarters of an ounce seems to fill the same pouch as all the premium one and a half ounce tobaccos come in.

The tobacco seems drier, with no glycol, and has a great aroma of burley and Virginias plus some top dressing or casings.

The tamper resistant packaging with a zip lock seal under that, might mean my packages are for prison commissaries and grocery stores next to prisons.

But we can buy a full pound, if we want.


Feb 1, 2010
It seems not loaded with PG. They say of it on P&C "but with no added flavorings, preservatives or humectants." but I can swear there is a top note. It's mild smoking but keep in mind, I smoke a lot of heavy GH&Co. blends so I don't know if this will be mild to you. I would put it in the Carter Hall range without the hideous preservatives.


Oct 15, 2022
Sherman, ME
It seems not loaded with PG. They say of it on P&C "but with no added flavorings, preservatives or humectants." but I can swear there is a top note. It's mild smoking but keep in mind, I smoke a lot of heavy GH&Co. blends so I don't know if this will be mild to you. I would put it in the Carter Hall range without the hideous preservatives.
I read elsewhere on the net that mint is used in modesty to make it more mild. Could this be said "top note?"