The Lakelands and “Lakeland Essence” - Terminology/Definition Confusion?
- To one degree or another, some blends taste ‘soapy’, ‘perfumed/floral’ or both. Some like it, many don’t.
- The “Lakelands” are a beautiful part of Cumbria in North West England, more commonly called the “Lake District”, where a
town called Kendal is situated.
- Gawith Hoggarth and Co. (GH&Co.) and Samuel Gawith (SG – originally from the same family) are both based in Kendal.
- Some blends from both companies have a soapy/perfumed flavour (let’s call it “SPF” for now to avoid confusion), but many
DO NOT (e.g. SG’s wonderful FVF, BBF, and GH&Co’s equally marvellous Brown Flake unscented, Bright CR and Dark Flake
unscented). And of course neither do their brown and black ropes/twists.
- Some blends that originate from nowhere near the Lake District DO have an SPF-like flavouring in spades, e.g. Condor
(originally blended by Gallaher, N Ireland).
IMHO, it is a pity that the term “Lakeland Blend” has crept in; its use can wrongly imply that ALL GH&Co. and SG blends from Kendal in the Cumbrian Lakelands are tainted with this flavouring, although there are some who claim that they can detect SPF in all GH&Co blends (that’s a laugh – think homeopathy and Avagadro’s Number!!). It would also (wrongly) imply that blends from elsewhere, which share this or a similar flavour, originated in the Lake District/Lakelands.
These points may seem pedantic or nit-picking, but for newcomers or those that do not know the geography it can (and does!) result in confusion, and perhaps also causes some to be biased against /miss out on wonderful GH&Co. and SG blends that do NOT have this flavouring.
I would prefer a different descriptor for this distinctive flavour, maybe “Soapy/Perfume Flavoured” (“SPF”)? But that will never happen.
However, even describing a blend as having a “Lakeland Essence” would IMO be better than calling them “Lakeland Blends”.
PS – best not get into the terminology/definition of “English” or “Balkan” blends the noo!! :wink: :puffpipe: