Picked up a pouch of Half n Half recently and am thoroughly enjoying it. Pairing nicely with coffee and a clipboard, it has mostly supplanted Nutty Irishman as my morning smoke. More evidence, I suppose, of my pallette opening up to new and better things. Or whatever. One problem though; I can't keep it lit. In general I've started to get fairly proficient at the 3 step pack and having way more successful long burns than not. But with the HnH I'm wondering A) if I need to learn a new packing method and B) if I need to start drying it more. Intellectually I realize that you should usually, if not always dry your tabac. But emotionally, I really want to be able to pop that blue collar, chuck a pouch in my pocket and head out for the day. I may just be the pipe man's version of a basic b*tch, but I need the pipe to fill the same slot in my arsenal as cigs once did. Mobility and convenience being central to that notion. Anyway, sitting here now on my second Saturday morning bowl, I am noticing that a looser pack may just be the ticket but I'd love some insight. Also, for what it's worth I appreciate anyone who can stick out my long-form queries and see them as conversation fuel. I'm otherwise taking on these little pursuits all by my lonesome so any input is taken onboard. Tap thy keg of tradition and pour me an imperial pint.
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