LBF with a chocolate flavoring, for like double the price of LBF. Hard pass.
This is exactly correct.
I just got my 2/14 in today and I smoked my first bowl which left me quite disappointed.
I generally like LJ Peretti a lot but 2/14 is some nonsense.
The chocolate topping here is but an ant’s whisper, if that.
If you’ve had HU Makhua or KBV Stampede Kek, those taste like chocolate bars dipped in chocolate cake covered in chocolate sauce compared to this.
This just tastes like slightly aged LBF which I did not need anymore of, especially, as my esteemed colleague Peter Turbo mentioned, at twice the price.
The narrow silver lining here is that now I know to stay away from 2/14 in the future and stick with the other offerings from LJP that I like.