Kraftwerk Music Concert

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Jan 27, 2020
Last week I went to a Kraftwerk music concert. My girlfriend was kind enough to get us tickets for my birthday. I had purchased tickets before the pandemic for a very cheap price and they were selling for 5x the price a week later, but sadly it was cancelled and I was refunded. That felt like getting refunded for the price of a winning lottery ticket, or something like that but not really, but I digress.

When we were about to leave (the event was at Radio City Music Hall) both of use felt a bit tired and were dragging our feet a bit. Seems like the pandemic has programed me to not go out after dark aside from walking our dog every night, not out of some fear but rather, something like habit and laziness. Being a homebody isn't something I ever imagined I'd become but I could say that for many things. Can you say the same? I would assume so although it's fair to assume that some people never change much but I would also argue that we all change incrementally. For the worse or for the better? Well, when small changes happen it's hard to measure even we even do or how would one even attempt to measure changes that aren't something like facial hair growth or body odor.

I am not drinking anymore but sometimes I partake in other things now legal and as we were heading to the event I ate something which makes one feel a bit fuzzy, jolly, or oddly concentrated on some minutia. We took our seats a few minutes before the show began, my girlfriend was fussing about inside the lobby after we arrived and once seated we realized we hadn't any 3d glasses (as the show had a 3d element) so my girlfriend exited to find us some. The music started and I was feeling a bit anxious that she would miss the opening which a bit of she did but I started to feel more than mildly ecstatic having forgotten about what I had eaten.

As this German voice started to tick off German numbers spoken in German my girlfriend made it back to her seat as this ever growing feeling of excitement started to change the color of my mood from grey to some very warm blue. You know how when you touch the edge of some absorbent paper to water you can watch the water moving upwards? I was the paper and Kraftwerk music was the water.

I have written too much already but let me say all in all this was the best show I have seen in maybe 10 years and I once again (once in many many years) could feel that exciting newness, that wide eyed mix of wonder and just something that could only be described as joy and for a second here and there I felt like I remembered feeling when I went to my very first show at the age of 13 to see the Ramones and to feel such a feeling again, it felt so great!
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