I just finished this old Kay... and it looks like there are the letters "UJC" with a small "k" above on the bottom flat. Curious what these might indicate, as I haven't found anything on the web...
Mostly I'm not a stinger guy, but I have a Ruff-Tone Drinkless (looks like an author to me) and it smokes really well. Some of the outriders on my racks are surprisingly good smokers.
My wife and I noticed, to our amazement, that one brand of cat treats we bought is marked as kosher. Maybe some devout people prefer these for their cats.
Not to get target but I was in the industrial mineral business for over 30 years. Some of our calcium carbonate and talc were used in food products. We had Kosher limestone and talc. The rabbi wold come to our plants and inspect before we could put the K on our bags. So, you never know; there could be Kosher pipes.