Kaywoodie Carbuerator Restored

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Jan 24, 2011
Happy Hunting Grounds
Bought a Kaywoodie Carb Pipe, appearing to my untrained eye as being of the "Super Grade" line off of Ebay a while back for ~$10 range. The seller stated the pipe bit was out of time, but otherwise in good condition.
When I got it, it was off time by about an hour or so, in relation to the seated position. I set it back for a while and messed with it very little. After doing some web research (mostly looking at old advertisements), I came to the realization of exactly what the carb feature was supposed to do, and investigation revealed that the carb was plugged up with old residue. And by plugged, I mean PLUGGED.
Seeing as the pipe was no huge financial investment, I decided to see what I could do to fix both issues.
The first fix was to utilize pliers to gently twist the threaded stinger back into time. I found the stinger to move almost imperceptibly with minimal torque. it is not loose in any sense, but it would be easy to overtwist it and not know it. But I got it back in line after a few tries.
The carb hole was plugged up badly. I picked at it with a paper clip to no avail. So, I took some stainless steel fencing wire and made a "bit" for the power drill and reamed it out. Even this took a bit of time, but it finally went through.
End results:





Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
That's pretty neat. A good bulldog at a fantastic price. I guess nobody knew that you

could just grab that stinger and twist it back into proper registration with the shank.

Nice grab. :clap:
I'll bet you could now put it back on eBay and get a good bid for it -- provided that

you cleaned and polished it.



Jan 24, 2011
Happy Hunting Grounds
Think of a little open hole, like a needle valve, drilled into the bottom of bowl of the pipe. You can easily cover it with the side of your finger while holding the bowl naturally. Or leave it open.
When you draw on the pipe, with the carb "open", it pulls extra air into the bowl.
Trying it now, right now, for the first time.
VERY cool smoke.

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