Just Saw The Hobbit:: An Unexpected Journey

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 27, 2012
I was fascinated by all of the various pipes used in the movie. Not sure why they were mostly church wardens but it adds to the setting. One thing I did find very interesting was the note on the movie ticket. It was in the form of a warning - violence and tobacco! Rather fascinating to see those in the same sentence! My two cents. . .
Edit: Corrected capitalization in the title, L.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
I saw the movie earlier in the month. I thought it was good after the first half hour which was too similar to a scene from the Muppet Show. I don't recall ever seeing a tobacco warning for a movie though...yikes.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 31, 2012
Denver, CO
And now for a public service announcement from Middle Earth:



Dec 30, 2012
I saw it too, very dispointed in the movie, doesn't follow the story line of the book like the LOTR trilogy did. That said it had amazing visuals but the ending was rather blunt.
Edit: I loved all the pipes and how big a part of the story they were



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
My in put on the movie is in the other thread.

Now as for coupling violence and tobacco as a warning; well, thats the modern pc nazis for ya.

What is the world comming to? We have children on plastic tricycles on a perfectly manicured lawn with full safety uniforms on helmet pads and all.

Parental suggestion warnings that a movie contains tobacco use. People sueing in court because somebody hurt their feelings.

I wish I did not have to participate with this generation of dimwits.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I enjoyed the movie very much.

There were departures from the book but understandable ones.

The book is a series of events/episodes, but there is no real underlying threat or antagonist.

Therefore to give the movie some direction they had to insert "the bad guy".

Also; I thought the back story developed for Thoren's oaken-shield was good.

Edit: I enjoyed seeing the Tyrolean in the movie.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2012
denver co
I saw the movie a week or so ago if they had paid me to see it I still would have felt robbed. It is a sub 300 page book there is not 9 hours worth of material there. As a side note anyone who thinks the LOTR movies are true to the books should try reading the books again or perhaps for the first time.



Aug 14, 2011
Haven't read the books *ducks* But as a pure fan of all the movies this was a great movie. What was a 3 hour movie felt like a half hour.
I agree that the ending was like getting to the candy store and then reading the sign, "We're closed" and that's the end of that.
It ends and you think like... wait, where's the rest? You didn't even finish the *black screen* :evil:



Dec 30, 2012
I've read the LOTR trilogy hundreds of times over the last 20 years, the movies were very close to the books, often times copying phrases right from the text. The pale orc in the Hobbit is made up. That being said, although disappointed by the ending it was still entertaining.



Jun 2, 2011
I think the LOTR movies are about as close as you're ever going to get in most cases. Very few book to film translations manage to capture everything. I can see why they decided to cut out Tom Bombadil and why Jackson removed the Scouring of the Shire. I would have liked to have seen that in the films, but, since he is already often criticized for the final film having five endings, adding a sixth probably wouldn't help! :mrgreen:
I liked the new hobbit film, but found some subtle changes I wasn't huge on and some MAJOR changes that definitely made the story very differenct from the book. They probably do help to drive the story, but, my criticism is, if you felt you needed to pad it to make the films move along, maybe you should have thought about whether or not you actually have three films, totalling nine hours, of material. I think the story lends itself to two films with a total run time of four to five hours.



Dec 28, 2012
I’ve been a devoted reader of Tolkien (and all fantasy) since the early 70’s and have a lot of his early stuff (I think) and read LOTR maybe 20 times. The catch with the Hobbit really sucks for one reason. Christopher Tolkien the son who now carries the rights to all his writings. When the project started, and the reason it took so long were copyright issues with the Book Company and Christopher. Jackson had to write the script without using any of the other works, primarily The Silmarillion, the book that combined the entire back story that filled in all the blanks and much of the back story of The Hobbit. This REALLY sucked because so much could have been added. He was able to use the brown wizard because it was mentioned in the Hobbit, but there are 3 other wizards, if you noticed in the movie when asked about other wizards Gandalph replies “that there were other wizards but couldn’t remember their names”…Please! The battle with the rock giants for example is an extended battle only because of their brief mention in the books.
So the 3 movies have tons of added material, and that’s a real shame all because of one mother fucker… Sorry about the language but if you haven’t read The Silmarillion and are a fan of the books you’re missing out on a great read. It’s not a book in the story sense, more of a fill in all the times in Middle Earth’s ages. Remember LOTR is the third age.
So strapped with all these restrictions I think the series will be better judged in its entirety in another two years. I have faith that it will be a whole and wonderful story, but it will include a ton of writer embellishment. He had no choice and every script was scrutinized by lawyers to make sure anything out of the Hobbit or LOTR’s in not mentioned or used.
So if you think it’s not following the books as well as it could, that’s why…



Aug 3, 2010
Great movie but think they took the cheap road with all the cgi.
On a side note, noticed the comment about correcting the capitalization. Ive noticed alot of comments and people having to apologize for this. Im all for grammer and what not, but really!?!? We have to send notes around for proper grammer? ODD

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