Hello everyone. I'm pretty new, signed up about 2 minutes ago. I had never smoked a pipe in my life until last weekend. I went into the city to run by a meat market and decided to stop in the tobacco shop next door. I ended up (for no reason I can explain) buying a little cheap 12 dollar pipe and a couple oz of tobacco. I quickly discovered I like smoking a pipe. I like it alot. I ended up nosing around ebay and ordered me a real pipe, which I just got in the mail today. I felt like a kid waiting to go on my first prom date. It got here this afternoon, and on researching it, I can't find too much. It's a Kaywoodie Super Grain (imprinted on top of the shank), with a plain white shamrock mark on the left side of the stem. The right side of the shank has Imported Briar with a 01 directly beneath it. I was impressed with it as soon as I held it. It just feels right, and I swear the smoke is twice as good as with the other. Anyway, that's my story thus far. Is there any way by the markings to indicate when it was made? Sorry if my questions are lame. Thanks!
Edit: Fixed the pics, L

Edit: Fixed the pics, L