So I just got a couple of new pipe stands from amazon last night. You never really can tell how well a particular stand will hold a particular pipe until you try so I thought I'd post some pics in case anyone else is in the market for a stand.
First up is this little wooden folder ($5.99):
Normally, my main issue with stands is that they a terrible for holding churchwardens. The pipes always seem to slide down and out of them or fall over to the side but this little guy did a fantastic job with both my Bjarne and Johs churchwardens:
Next up is this one with wire and a wood base ($9.00):
I like that I can kinda bend the wire a little bit to better accommodate my pipe. It held my Dunhill beautifully:
It also held my Johs churchwarden well but I don't really care for the look of it so straight up (someone else might though):
Looking good together:
I'm going to order 1 more of each, one folder for my second churchwarden and one wire for my Savinelli that should be arriving today. A pic of all 4 pipes and stands will be posted when I receive them.
First up is this little wooden folder ($5.99):
Normally, my main issue with stands is that they a terrible for holding churchwardens. The pipes always seem to slide down and out of them or fall over to the side but this little guy did a fantastic job with both my Bjarne and Johs churchwardens:
Next up is this one with wire and a wood base ($9.00):
I like that I can kinda bend the wire a little bit to better accommodate my pipe. It held my Dunhill beautifully:
It also held my Johs churchwarden well but I don't really care for the look of it so straight up (someone else might though):
Looking good together:
I'm going to order 1 more of each, one folder for my second churchwarden and one wire for my Savinelli that should be arriving today. A pic of all 4 pipes and stands will be posted when I receive them.