I have a ton of respect for JT Cooke and am a fan of the man. He has always been exceptionally nice to me and, in fact, when I bought a pipe from him at the Chicago show a couple of years ago he invited me to the tent with him to smoke a bowl and shoot the shit. I realize he can come across as a bit gruff, but so can I, so who the hell am I to judge.
By the way, I don't find his bits too thick for the most part, but if you have a dainty little mouth with brittle teeth then I can see that being an issue for you. Yes, I have one chubby number with a tapered stem and it is a bit tough to clench but I have a few similar pipes from other makers that are the same in this respect. I do love the lucite that he uses, which he makes himself and which is much softer than normal lucite. He also has the best pipe pouches in the business, but I digress, lol.