So with my search for a more readily available premium Burley I happened upon this. Though I find it OK , I’m wondering did I get a bad tin or does it always come this dry ?
It crumbles a bit too easily and though I like 5 bros and Semois this seems like it would have more flavor if it were a tad wet like all the other crumble cakes I’ve encountered thus far. I’ve been eyeing a tin of their dbl pressed kentucky at my local B&M but don’t dare if their cakes are this dry normally and I will promptly scratch the brand off my list. Thanks in advance…
It crumbles a bit too easily and though I like 5 bros and Semois this seems like it would have more flavor if it were a tad wet like all the other crumble cakes I’ve encountered thus far. I’ve been eyeing a tin of their dbl pressed kentucky at my local B&M but don’t dare if their cakes are this dry normally and I will promptly scratch the brand off my list. Thanks in advance…