Jim's Revised Escudo Review.

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Can't Leave
Sep 4, 2022
Hercules, California
I can't honestly think of one blend that changed for the better--Balkan Sobranie and Three Nuns are prime examples, along with Dunhill (now Peterson's) My Mixture 965 and Nightcap after Murray's closed shop and the list goes on and on.
Can anyone else comment on this? This makes me very sad. Makes it seems like if you started smoking after 2005 you pretty much missed out.
Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
Can anyone else comment on this? This makes me very sad. Makes it seems like if you started smoking after 2005 you pretty much missed out.

I can think of one YouTuber who much prefers the current STG Elizabethan Mixture to the Sutliff match blend which attempts to replicate the older Murray's version. For what it's worth...

If one wants transition years to get depressed about, Jon Loring's article gives many to choose from besides 2005: DUNHILL PIPE TOBACCO: 1907 – 1990 - Pipedia - https://pipedia.org/wiki/DUNHILL_PIPE_TOBACCO:_1907_%E2%80%93_1990

Probably healthier to just try what's available now, and if one rings your bells, enjoy it without reservation. One thing I appreciate about blends from Greg Pease or Russ Ouellette is that they have a strong interest in maintaining their brands, so if I buy a new tin off the shelf, I can be reasonably certain it will align with their goals in blending it in the first place. Unlike some "historic" blend that has been around for 100 years, and passed from company to company...
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DedHed Piper

Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 28, 2019
Is it just me and my somewhat crappy memory, but didn't Pease stop making some of his first popular blends, like Bohemian Scandal or such, just because he couldn't get hold of the same exact tobaccos anymore?
If that is the case, I'm liking it. Shows some pride in the product.


Jan 9, 2015
Though not a fan of the current nor prior iterations, the review history was especially helpful. I appreciate the capture of each observation, and pruning word choice. It’s as if i were at the bit end myself. Thank you Jim


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 3, 2022
Toronto Canada
This is the only version that I know. I bought some to cellar and age, hoping this will pay off in 3-10-15 years. Assuming that I can keep my hands off of it in the meantime.

Jim did not mention this, but I love the presentation in tin and the coins. It folds so easily to pack a bowl. The room note is decent which matters to most of us with spouses. I also agree with Jim that the burn is really nice, and I can keep it lit while slowly sipping. There are many comparisons to Peterson Navy Rolls and Murray's which Jim addresses, but I find the Escudo to be more pleasant. I have never tried the Murray's that Jim refers to so I have no opinion. As Jim mentions, there is not as much fruit or plum in Escudo as Peterson's, less sweet. I love the clean grassy smell and taste.

This is a great review, and helps to expand my palate and knowledge of tobacco. Thanks @JimInks !!
You have 'spouses'??? Man, one is a tough enough endeavour. You're a better man than me Chopper!
Nov 20, 2022
What a lovely thing to say. Hope your wife appreciates you in kind. Sounds like you gotta nice thing going there Doc!
Thank you @BriarsAndBottles. I sure do. Like all of us, I am far from perfect and have some bad habits. I definitely picked right and try hard to treat her well. 32 years and 6 kids later, I am more in love and happier than the day I married her.


Can't Leave
Sep 13, 2019
I have a jar of Escudo from 2019, and it has aged properly. The coin was basically hay-colored when I put it in the jar but now it's so dark brown that it's almost black.

I don't like this blend until it smells like a jar of figs. As you can see from what's left in the jar, we've made it :)

IMG_5380 Large.jpeg


Nov 20, 2022
North Carolina
The last thing that any blender should ever do to a VaPer is take out more Perique. 😂 I just love Perique, I’m sure not everyone feels this way. Having not tried the old versions, I still like the current Escudo about as much as the current DNR and Davidoff Flake Medallions.
I wish the current producers would read this review and adjust accordingly! 😂
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