Jim's MacBaren Cube and Halberg Reviews

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
The good folks at Sutliff asked me to review the blends in the MacBaren Cube and Halberg series.
MacBaren Cube Gold:

This is a ribbon cut danish aromatic with just a little broken flake, and hydrated to the perfect level for smoking. The tobacco smells stronger in the pouch than in the room or your mouth though it's kind of pungent. It's milder and creamier than the Cube Silver, and the sweet topping is slightly less fruity, more citrusy and berry-like, and just a little less perfumy. There are fewer sour notes here, too. The golden Virginia and cavendish are a little more obvious here than in the Silver, as is the vanilla from the black cavendish. Less complex than the Cube Silver, I find this easier to smoke more often with a darn near perfect burn rate with no goop. A sipping tobacco blend for sure.
MacBaren Cube Silver:

This is a ribbon cut danish aromatic with just a little broken flake, and hydrated to the perfect level for smoking. The tobacco smells stronger in the pouch than in the room or your mouth, though it's rather pungent. I get several tropical fruity flavors here, including some vanilla from the black cavendish. The burley adds a very slight nutty sweetness, and the Oriental/Turkish components are there to push a little spice to your tongue. The gold Virginia has some citrus, and I taste apricots and mangos, with light date and cocoa spots. Virginia cavendish also sweetens the pot. The topping is fragrant and sharply sweet, with a few sour notes, which is typical of many Danish aromatics. Best to sip this one or risk a little head rush.
MacBaren Cube Bronze:

This is a ribbon cut danish aromatic with just a little broken flake, and hydrated to the perfect level for smoking. The tobacco smells stronger in the pouch than in the room or your mouth. Mildly pungent; less so than the other two blends in this series. Mild and very creamy with several fruit flavors including raspberries, though the cherry note stands out slightly more. The vanilla from the black cavendish is light, and works well with a more prominent semi-sweet and smooth cocoa essence. Somehow, for some reason, this doesn't taste like a cherry-chocolate blend in spite of their mutual presence. Burns well, and even and is very consistent in its complexity. A great after dinner or all day smoke that leaves a very pleasant after taste. A well blended mixture with little of the fragrance of the Gold and Silver, it is the least sweet Cube blend.
MacBaren Halberg Green:

Presented within one of the classiest boxes ever designed for a tobacco product, it's mild with an extremely gentle, but full explosion of fruit flavor. The Virginias and burleys more or less take a back seat to the fruity, light citrus, and berry taste of this ribbon and cross-cut blend. The Virginias may add a little of the citrus, though I think it mainly comes more from the topping. An essence of cherry adds to the complex fruit profile, also including a bare hint of vanilla, and an occasional tart note. Smooth and creamy, burns cooly, evenly, and slowly without a hint of a chemical taste. In some ways, it's a better, more complex, deeper tasting, smoother version of Amphora Red. Perhaps the best fruit flavored blend I have ever smoked, it also reminds me of the kind of liqueur one savors after an expensive meal.
MacBaren Halberg Red:

The Virginias have a natural sweetness, and some earthy notes from them and the burleys, which play in the background. There's also a slight toast note to the burleys. The black cavendish chips in with an very mild vanilla that compliments the sweet, almost fruity topping. Ribbon cut with broken flake that burns smooth, even, and dry without much moisture. Not one hint of a chemical taste exists here. Presented within one of the classiest boxes ever designed for a tobacco product, it's a well crafted, mild all day smoke that doesn't wear out your tongue or senses with a full flavor that never quits.
MacBaren Halberg Yellow:

More cross-cut and broken flake than ribbon, but burns perfectly all the way to the end of the bowl with no harshness. Like the Red and the Green, it is mild with the full taste of various fruit flavors, including apricot, berries, cherry, lemon, and maybe a hint of mango. The black cavendish adds a very complimentary vanilla taste that provides a light bass note without competing for taste. The various flavors one normally expects from lemon yellow and brown Virginias are present, though subdued. The burleys are mildly earthy, mostly sweet and slightly nutty. I get a little less of the berry notes and more of the citrus than I do in the Red and Green entries in the series. Not one hint of a chemical taste exists here. Presented within one of the classiest boxes ever designed for a tobacco product, it amazes me that all three of the aforementioned blends are mild in strength, yet very full of flavor.

Jul 15, 2011
I bought the Halberg green and smoked a few bowls of it. Burns really clean, has a very nice taste and the wife never complains about the aroma. It is a damn fine smoke, one that I probably should break open more often. Really good stuff, and I agree with you about the presentation, classy as all get out. I bought a package of the silver cube but haven't gotten around the trying it yet. Might have to crack that open too.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 1, 2013
Tacoma, Washington
Thanks for posting this. I've been thinking about trying those blends but the descriptions on Smokingpipes just seem so vague and the reviews on other websites werent any better. Thanks for clearing up these blends, I might have to add one to my 5 or 6 tins per month order.



Can't Leave
Mar 1, 2013
I brought back my father a gift of the silver cube from Russia while I was there. My host father had bought it to give to him. If I remember correctly, the tobacco is in a cellophane/plastic pouch, right? So, I would think that although the containers are really cool, might be a good idea to transfer these straight to mason jars



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Murf, I would agree with that. Or use baggies if they are regular smokes.



Oct 20, 2010
I tried the Halberg Red at the Chicago Pipe Show. It was one of the best new blends that I tasted.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 10, 2013
Cincinnati, OH USA
I am resurrecting this old post because I recently brought some Halberg and Cube. Should both of these transferred to Mason Jars if not being smoked soon? I never trusted the bags they came in, but they seem to be air tight as I can get no aroma from them.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
If the bags are unopened, they will hold the flavor for some time. If you've opened the bags, and are slow about smoking them, yes, put them in mason jars. Those bags look very sturdy so long as they are sealed, and as you noticed, they keep the flavor locked in. I'm not sure how they will do once opened.

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