The red Virginias are mildly tangy, earthy, sweet with a touch of dark fruit. The white burley is dryly sharp with some sourness, while the brown burleys are slightly sweet and toasted nutty, though the latter is often drowned out by the former. The perique is mildly present with a little spice, raisin and plum. The Katirini Turkish is very smoky and woody with some dry sour notes, and is more obvious than the tin description describes. Overall, this sweet and sour plug is easily broken apart, and some flavors can be subtle as they are often more noticeable at various times during the smoke. Burns cool and dry with no dull or harsh spots, no bite and no dottle. I think it works best when puffed at a slow or moderate rate as white burley can show more strength when it's smoked fast. A regular cadence will better reveal the complexity of the blend.