The third bamboo shank pipe I am currently smoking comes from the bench of Taiwan’s Pipemaker Jerry Zenn. Jerry chooses his own bamboo for the shanks and other uses on his pipes, his preference is for what is referred to as Human Face Bamboo, once you’ve seen it there’s no mistaking it being a different type.
The Flame Grain of the pipe he calls a Smooth Freehand is coupled with a 5 knuckle bamboo shank and ebonite stem with Briar accent. Still keeping it smokey with the 23 y/o Grey Havens from McClelland, I’m going to miss this tobacco a lot once it’s gone, it has given me much smoking pleasure.
The Flame Grain of the pipe he calls a Smooth Freehand is coupled with a 5 knuckle bamboo shank and ebonite stem with Briar accent. Still keeping it smokey with the 23 y/o Grey Havens from McClelland, I’m going to miss this tobacco a lot once it’s gone, it has given me much smoking pleasure.