Jerry Perry of Colfax N.C. is a pipe carver of renown who has sold at the N.C. State Fair for many years. He does not sell online, and his only other point of sales (that I know of) is the TAPS pipe show at the N.C. State Fairground in April. So if you are interested in Jerry's pipes, your opportunity to buy them is coming up during the Fair, October 12 to 22. Jerry's sales booth is in the Village of Yesteryear, in the Holshauser Building, the round building. Ask for directions at the entry gate, or take a look at the map at the Fair web site online. I've been buying pipes from Jerry since 2002 when I bought a particularly thick walled poker/sitter with a light bone colored stem. I think I have about six others. His style is traditional, folksy, and casual, but with some interesting departures of splashy color on bent billiards and Japanese touches (to my eyes) of asymmetry. His pipes may be a little low-key or down home for some, but if you like them, you'll have a pipe for life. His prices have always been remarkably moderate to appeal to a fairgrounds clientele. Incidentally, admission to the fair for people 65 and over is free.