I looked around and used the search feature on here, but didn't see where anyone has covered this.
I like Jeremy Renner. A lot. Wind River is one of my favorite movies and his work as Hawkeye is terrific. So I was pretty shocked and sad when I heard he was run over by his own snow plow on the first of January.
He was reported to have crush injuries to his chest and 'orthopedic issues'. On the 3rd they announced he came through surgery and was 'critical, but stable.'
He has posted a pic not long after of him from the waist up, pretty beat up. He then showed his family taking care of him and a group shot of the ICU folks taking care of him "at the beginning of this journey". No pictures since.
I TRULY hope that he recovers from this. I am fearful he is paralyzed from the waist down or may lose a leg or two. It was a 14,000 lb snow cat.
Prayers to him for quick healing and a speedy recovery.
p.s. haven't been on much, sorry. I was sick the entire months of Nov/Dec. Sinus infection, RSV, the Rona, threw my back out for a week from 7 weeks of coughing, and another flu. I love Tennessee, but wish she would stop trying to kill me every. Damn. Winter.
I like Jeremy Renner. A lot. Wind River is one of my favorite movies and his work as Hawkeye is terrific. So I was pretty shocked and sad when I heard he was run over by his own snow plow on the first of January.
He was reported to have crush injuries to his chest and 'orthopedic issues'. On the 3rd they announced he came through surgery and was 'critical, but stable.'
He has posted a pic not long after of him from the waist up, pretty beat up. He then showed his family taking care of him and a group shot of the ICU folks taking care of him "at the beginning of this journey". No pictures since.
I TRULY hope that he recovers from this. I am fearful he is paralyzed from the waist down or may lose a leg or two. It was a 14,000 lb snow cat.
Prayers to him for quick healing and a speedy recovery.
p.s. haven't been on much, sorry. I was sick the entire months of Nov/Dec. Sinus infection, RSV, the Rona, threw my back out for a week from 7 weeks of coughing, and another flu. I love Tennessee, but wish she would stop trying to kill me every. Damn. Winter.